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Second Round of Auditions

Last Monday we held our second round of auditions and managed to cast three more roles.

The improvised audtions worked well and it was great to see some talented actors/acrtresses.  We look forward to working with them shortly.

Rehearsing is coming along well, we just need to have the cast learn their lines now so we can concentrate on the delivery not the reading.


Second Round of Auditions


Blood, sweat and tears

Well it has begun! Rehearsals for the new film have started with the main scenes actors having been cast. Jim and Leah have a huge number of lines to learn and already they are beginning to deliver them with the believability and emotion that we are hoping for the shoot. Leah in particular has shown her talent and ability in drawing in the viewer with some tears that have even us humble producers feeling her ‘pain’.

Next steps are to audition and cast the flashback actors and work Jim and Leah hard so they live their parts so much that the filming becomes a walk in the park!! That is until sound, light, camera and other elements of the filming process require them to do it again and again!

A public well done to all the work done so far and the usual reminder to them to keep learning lines so that they can be directed with the little inflexions and actions that will take their performances to the outstanding that we know they will be.


Blood, sweat and tears


First round of Auditions

A highly successful evening of casting and rehearsing.  We managed to fill all the roles we were looking for with the auditionees that turned up.  


Throughout the process of improvisation, scripting and auditoning it has been interesting to see the characters develop and nice now to have names and faces that the fit roles.  

The second half of the evening was spent rehearsing the first scene (called scene 2 much to the annoyance of the Lindsay).  A brilliant performance from both Jim and Leah and look forward to seeing their roles develop further the more they learn.

More auditions in a couple of weeks time for other roles.


First round of Auditions


When to stop waffling

On Monday we had our first read through of the finished script.  On the whole it went pretty well.  


It's funny how we transcribed exactly what our actors said in their improvisations which sounded realistic to then hear them read back and for it to sound completely wrong.

We made very few alterations to the script as we went along and feel happy that we have got a good script.  We need to alter the ending slightly as it was felt that it ends a little too abruptly and have a session next week to extend it out slightly.  Its a fine line between waffling on after the conclusion of the film but letting the audience down gently so they don't feel cheated.

Every week from now on we'll be increasing the team so that when we come to film we'll have all the people we need.  

The next session will audition for our complementary actors/actresses and look forward to see how they interact with our two leads.

All starting to come together now.  

When to stop waffling


All coming together

On Monday 24th April we finally start the next phase of the project, turning the script into a film.  


We start with a readthrough with the main cast before we start auditioning and rehearsing the rest of the cast in May.

Background preperations for locations, props, costumes, etc have also been started and various lists have been made up ready.  

We now just need to start and hopefully in the next couple of months it will all start to come together, ready for filming in July/August.


All coming together