Channel 7 is based in St Neots, Cambridgeshire (PE19 2SH as reference) and is run by volunteers in their spare time. Most rehearsals will take place around once or twice a week (7pm to 9pm), with filming taking place in school holidays and at weekends. We therefore recommend due to practicalities that if applying for a part/position that you live no more than an hour away. Please contact us first if you live outside the area.
1. Check out our cast opportunities page to see our current list of casting requirements.
2. Watch and/or read the 'how we do it' section so that you know what will be involved.
3. Read our testimonials to see what past members have had to say.
4. Complete an on-line cast registration form.
1. Check out our crew opportunities page to see our current list of casting requirements.
2. Watch and/or read the 'how we do it' section. Not all of it will be relevant, but it will give you a good background into what will be involved.
3. Read our testimonials to see what past members have had to say.
4. Complete an on-line crew registration form.
Q. Do I get paid?
A. Unfortunately not. We are effectively like a training school providing hands on experience and training so are unable to pay. Everyone involved gives there time for free.
Q. Do I need experience?
A. There is no need for anyone to have experience especially for crew roles, however being in a school play, or having done something in the past where you have had to learn lines, would be an advantage.
Q. Can I use the experience on my cv?
A. Yes you certainly can. Previous members have used the experience to get work and even college places. See our testimonials.
Q. I'm not interested in a career in film/tv can I just act/crew for fun?
A. Most people that join us do it just for fun.
Q. It all sounds very professional, is it for me?
A. Filming can be a lot of fun and we try and create a fun family atmosphere where everyone helps out. We try and provide a professional approach to everything we do so that anyone joining us gets a sense of what a real film set is like and the processes you have to go through.
Feel free to contact us if we haven't covered everything you wanted to know.